Tuesday 17 March 2015

Why Are You A Racist?

I didn't plan to write anything about this, I was going to post something different. However, what I'm going to write here is going to be based on my imaginations. I wont say it is out of anger of all the racist comments I see online and things I heard from those that have experienced it but I will think   anything that doesn't bring happiness to someone will bring misery. So here is what I imagined. I think racism is like a disease, the disease that starts from hair to the toe, you know when you hate your whole body malfunctions. The miserable life kills slowly, you will just realize some people died suddenly, next thing they are in the coffin, next thing they are six feet under. Then when they get to heaven and are asked why they died so soon, They are gonna say;

'' I hated a fellow human being, God you know the ones you created like me but with different color of skin?. I was always being cautious of them around, I spent extra time and money making sure I'm far away from them. For example on an international flight I usually get a first class seat. It is not like I can create/make  HUMAN BEING but I just didn't seem to like those of different colors than mine''.

Then God will say;
'' come let me show you the great things you still have left to do if you didn't kill yourself so soon from hating and also what was in store for you if you have loved the other person''.

Now you racist had seen all the wonderful things his/her life would have been filled with but hatred chased these good things away and now a sudden death? hmm.

Racist will now reply; Can I go back? I cant miss all these things I am seeing, everything I achieved with the time I spent id not even equivalent to 1% of what you have showed me 'crying'.

God will say again;
''sorry but you cant go back. However, since it is not yet your time to die your spirit shall be moving around the world admiring those you hated.

In another case, for a living racist, you spend the rest of your life being miserable. The most effective part of your brain is diluted with hate. So the time you can spend on how to improve your life and that of your community is dedicated to remembering those people you see on your way and in your area that disgusts you. Negativity surrounds you and you cannot think positively. So tell me how you want to be great? and OK lets assume you are a successful racist but do you really think that is all God planned for you?. I'm sure you want more in life and we are sure you are not even happy with your life even with all the money you think you have.
God is love and love should be shared because you cannot love God while you hate someone he created. Chase the hate disease out of you and start living a healthy life. I will rest my case here. Thanks for reading.

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