Monday 2 March 2015

Celebrate The Success Of Others

Today's  Rhapsody Of Realities and I thought I should share. It reads below;

Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in loveliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves (Philippians 2:3).

There are people who, instead of seeing the positive side of others and learning from them, get into worthless competition. The news of someone else's success not only upsets and triggers in them a competitive spirit, they also feel "dwarfed" by them. This ought not to be so.

The success of another person doesn't mean that you are failing; therefore, rejoice and celebrate them. Be filled with love. Never find yourself in unhealthy competition with others. If you were starting a business, for example don't let it be because you want to compete with somebody else; don't strive or fight with others; let God lead you. If you'd commit your work to Him and trust Him, He'd cause you to secceed. He's already established you on the Rock, and that Rock is Christ; therefore, you have nothing to fear.

Moreover, success is relative, and there are different phases and levels of success. Your success can only be measured according to the vision and target that God has given you. If you are about a God-given endeavour, then he alone can judge how successful you are.
Between you and God, can decide whether or not you are successful, because it's based on what you are told to do. What He told you to do may not be what He told someone else; so there is no need to compare yourself with others, or rate yourself on the basis of their success or failure.

Therefore, in all you do, let your motives be right and be void of selfishness. When you hear of other people's success, never allow the self-pitying or "why not me" attitude. Rejoice. Refuse to compare yourself with anyone. Remember, you are unique before the Lord!. 

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