Friday 6 March 2015

NEW POST: Keep Your Mouth Shut

People say a problem shared is a problem solved. However, I think some things are just best to keep to ourselves. Some discussions are only to be shared within the family, most relationship talks should be with your partners. I think if there is no history of domestic abuse or serial cheating scandal in your marriage or relationship, you do not have anything to share except telling people how to be
contend with what they have.
Most break ups and divorces is because people are trying to go with the flow. You discuss your
marriage or relationship with the girls during night out or girls day out and you go home feeling miserable and acting out, because you gave some people an opportunity to make them feel better about themselves. You put their pieces of advice in your head and you think if you don't do as they say they will think you are too weak or dumb. The truth of the matter is, people unconsciously beef other people in a good relationship or marriage and sometimes they don't even realise they are telling
you the wrong thing. Which is not their faults as we are all humans, so low key jealousy is certain.
I hope guys are not thinking this is only just for the ladies? Haha don't be deceived, we know all about how bragging has put some of you in trouble. You go to the bar and talk rubbish about your lady and the guys decided to solve your problem by giving you babes but you cannot reject the decision because you also need to impress them and show that you can sleep around. I am so sorry
but they won't be there when you start to beg the only real woman in your life not to pack out, they will also not be there when you are battling with sexual transmitted diseases. Thanks for reading. Leave your comments and let me know what you all think.

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