Wednesday 25 February 2015

Happy New Year: Open Letter To Hadeworld Readers.

Dear Hadeworld Readers,

       So this morning I decided to come on here, not that I planned to but one way or the other I found myself here. I must say I have missed blogging and you all.I have been so busy with school and I cant believe it took me this long to return here. Forget my earlier lame excuse about school works, deep down I think the main reason it took me this long was because I felt like what I put on this blog is not what I should. I felt like there are more serious things we should share with each other.
I think we have things to share, I can see that lady, I can see that brother and you too old men and women. Please share your experiences with us, it will help somebody. Tell us how you got out of some situations or if you are still going through them. We should be able to help each other because most of us do not even know it is not just us going through some things in life, career, relationship, marriage, motherhood and so on. Luckily now we are still at the beginning of the year, so it is not too late. We can help each other get through the year. I will also like to know what your plans are for this year. How are you planning on meeting your targets this year? or are you being discouraged and you have nothing planned at all?. Voice out, do not keep to yourself, no situation is hard to solve, do not let the economy deceive you or do you think your destiny is tied to how well or unwell the economy is doing?. Are you all feeling me? ok if you think I'm making sense, I'm sure from this moment we have things to say to each other. This is my email or if you will like to talk me personally let me know.