Thursday 22 August 2013

Kanye West So In Love With Kim Kardashian

Oh yeah Kanye might be tough on the outside but he is really in love. Kanye was on Kris Jenner  talk show ''Kris'' where he spoke about his love for girlfriend and mother of his baby girl, Kim Kardasian.

From omg, here is what kanye said;

"My grandfather just passed," West explains to the Kardashian-Jenner matriarch in a teaser clip for the interview set to air Friday on Fox. "And his whole thing was never about money, was never about popularity, his whole thing was joy. Just joy, like having joy in his life. And she's my joy and she brought my new joy into the world. And there's no paparazzi and there's no blog comment, there's nothing that is gonna take that joy from me."

Kanye didn't stop there, he added;
"I just dreamed about being next to her," he said of his longtime crush on the star, before cutting himself off, joking, "I don’t wanna start jumping up and down on the couches."
To which an excited Jenner begs, "Oh please! That would be so fabulous!"
The full interview airs Friday on Fox. What do you think? Is KimYe's love going to last?

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